Turbo Pascal for DOS Tutorial by Glenn Grotzinger Part 11 -- data representation; reading specs sheets copyright (c) 1995-96 by Glenn Grotzinger Is there still any interest in this tutorial? If so, tell me! :> Here is the solution I got from part 10...No one tried it and sent it to me. Here's the UNIT. Keep in mind that I said to JUST CREATE ONE. You don't have to have the same functions that I had in there. Just as long as it works.... {$O+} unit unit10; interface type strtype = array[1..3] of string[80]; {$I COMPHVN.INC} function numeric(str: string): boolean; procedure writerecord(var outfile: file; strs: strtype); implementation function numeric(str: string): boolean; var num: boolean; i: integer; begin i := 1; num := true; while (num) and (i <= length(str)) do begin num := (str[i] in ['0'..'9','.',' ']); inc(i); end; numeric := num; end; procedure writerecord(var outfile: file; strs: strtype); var numerr: integer; writerec: comphvndata; begin with writerec do begin {part 1} datacode := copy(strs[1], 1, 7); acct_classification := strs[1][8]; val(copy(strs[1], 10, 3), phone_area, numerr); val(copy(strs[1], 13, 3), phone_prefix, numerr); val(copy(strs[1], 16, 4), phone_exchange, numerr); val(copy(strs[1], 20, 3), work_area, numerr); val(copy(strs[1], 23, 3), work_prefix, numerr); val(copy(strs[1], 26, 4), work_exchange, numerr); val(copy(strs[1], 30, 3), other_area, numerr); val(copy(strs[1], 33, 3), other_prefix, numerr); val(copy(strs[1], 36, 4), other_exchange, numerr); cnct1_lname := copy(strs[1], 40, 16); cnct1_fname := copy(strs[1], 56, 11); cnct1_minit := strs[1][67]; val(copy(strs[1], 68, 5), cnct1_pobox, numerr); cnct1_sname := copy(strs[1], 73, 8); {part2} accept_check := (strs[2][8] = 'Y'); cnct1_stype := copy(strs[2], 10, 4); val(copy(strs[2], 14, 4), cnct1_apt, numerr); cnct1_city := copy(strs[2], 18, 10); cnct1_state := copy(strs[2], 28, 2); val(copy(strs[2], 30, 9), cnct1_zip, numerr); val(copy(strs[2], 39, 2), cnct1_birthm, numerr); val(copy(strs[2], 41, 2), cnct1_birthd, numerr); val(copy(strs[2], 43, 4), cnct1_birthy, numerr); val(copy(strs[2], 47, 9), balnce_credt, numerr); val(copy(strs[2], 56, 8), total_sold, numerr); cnct1_emp_code := copy(strs[2], 64, 4); val(copy(strs[2], 68, 3), total_sales, numerr); emp_name := copy(strs[2], 71, 10); {part3} accept_credt := (strs[3][8] = 'Y'); val(copy(strs[3], 10, 4), emp_stnum, numerr); emp_sttype := copy(strs[3], 14, 4); emp_city := copy(strs[3], 18, 10); emp_state := copy(strs[3], 28, 2); val(copy(strs[3], 39, 3), emp_area, numerr); val(copy(strs[3], 42, 3), emp_prefix, numerr); val(copy(strs[3], 45, 4), emp_exchange, numerr); val(copy(strs[3], 49, 2), emp_yrs, numerr); compu := (strs[3][51] = 'Y'); compu_type := copy(strs[3], 52, 9); compu_mon := strs[3][61]; compu_cdr := (strs[3][62] = 'Y'); compu_cdt := strs[3][63]; val(copy(strs[3], 64, 2), compu_mem, numerr); minor := (strs[3][66] = 'Y'); end; blockwrite(outfile, writerec, sizeof(writerec)); end; end. And now here is the main program I got for part 10. What I can see that is not readily explainable here (I used every method I could think of that falls into the rules I outlined for the thing.). The two compiler directives you see below turn off stack checking and range checking respectively. With regards to data intensive applications such as sorting, large #'s of comparisons, and so forth, adding these speeds it up. {$S-} {$R-} program part10; uses dos, unit10, overlay; {$O UNIT10.TPU} var strs: strtype; outfile: file; infile, errfile: text; i: integer; errwritten: boolean; procedure writeerror(errline, errtype: string); var temp1: string; begin temp1 := copy(errline, 1, 20); writeln(errfile, temp1,'':10, errtype); errwritten := true; end; function checkstatus(strs: strtype): boolean; var check: boolean; seqs: array[1..3] of char; cnts: array[1..3] of byte; i: byte; errtype: string; begin check := true; for i := 1 to 3 do cnts[i] := 0; for i := 1 to 3 do begin seqs[i] := strs[i][9]; case seqs[i] of '1': inc(cnts[1]); '2': inc(cnts[2]); '3': inc(cnts[3]); end; end; for i := 1 to 3 do begin if cnts[i] = 0 then begin errtype := 'Missing line #' + chr(i+48); writeerror(strs[i], errtype); check := false; end; if cnts[i] = 2 then begin errtype := 'Duplicate line #' + chr(i+48); writeerror(strs[i], errtype); check := false; end; end; checkstatus := check; end; procedure checkdatacodes(strs: strtype); var datacodes: array[1..3] of string[7]; check1: string[5]; check2: char; error: string[20]; begin for i := 1 to 3 do datacodes[i] := copy(strs[i], 1, 7); check1 := copy(strs[1], 40, 5); check2 := strs[1][56]; for i := 1 to 3 do begin if datacodes[i][6] <> '*' then writeerror(strs[i], 'Invalid datacode.'); if (check1 <> copy(datacodes[i], 1, 5)) or (check2 <> datacodes[i][7]) then writeerror(strs[i], 'Datacode does not agree with name.'); end; end; procedure checknumeric(strs: strtype); var temp1, temp2: string; int, numerr, numdiff: integer; year, month, day, dayofweek: word; empyrs, birthy, bmo, bday: word; age: byte; isminor: boolean; begin if numeric(copy(strs[1], 10, 3)) = false then writeerror(strs[1], 'Phone-area is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[1], 13, 3)) = false then writeerror(strs[1], 'Phone-prefix is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[1], 16, 4)) = false then writeerror(strs[1], 'Phone-exchange is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[1], 20, 3)) = false then writeerror(strs[1], 'Work-area is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[1], 23, 3)) = false then writeerror(strs[1], 'Work-prefix is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[1], 26, 4)) = false then writeerror(strs[1], 'Work-exchange is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[1], 30, 3)) = false then writeerror(strs[1], 'Other-area is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[1], 33, 3)) = false then writeerror(strs[1], 'Other-prefix is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[1], 36, 4)) = false then writeerror(strs[1], 'Other-exchange is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[1], 68, 5)) = false then writeerror(strs[1], 'cnct1-pobox is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[3], 30, 9)) = false then writeerror(strs[3], 'emp-zip is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[3], 39, 3)) = false then writeerror(strs[3], 'emp-area is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[3], 42, 3)) = false then writeerror(strs[3], 'emp-prefix is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[3], 45, 4)) = false then writeerror(strs[3], 'emp-exchange is not numeric.'); temp2 := copy(strs[3], 49, 2); if numeric(temp2) = false then writeerror(strs[3], 'emp-yrs is not numeric.') else val(temp2, empyrs, numerr); if numeric(copy(strs[2], 30, 9)) = false then writeerror(strs[2], 'cnct1-zip is not numeric.'); temp2 := copy(strs[2], 39, 2); if numeric(temp2) = false then writeerror(strs[2], 'cnct1-birthm is not numeric.') else val(temp2, bmo, numerr); temp2 := copy(strs[2], 41, 2); if numeric(temp2) = false then writeerror(strs[2], 'cnct1-birthd is not numeric.') else val(temp2, bday, numerr); temp1 := copy(strs[2], 43, 4); if numeric(temp1) = false then writeerror(strs[2], 'cnct1-birthy is not numeric.') else begin val(temp1, int, numerr); if (int < 1900) or (int > 1999) then writeerror(strs[2], 'cnct1-birthy is not in this century.'); end; getdate(year, month, day, dayofweek); val(temp1, birthy, numerr); numdiff := year - birthy; if numdiff < empyrs then writeerror(strs[3], 'The emp-yrs doesn''t make sense.'); age := year - birthy; if month < bmo then dec(age); if month = bmo then if day < bday then dec(age); isminor := (age < 21); if ((isminor = true) and (strs[3][66] = 'N')) or ((isminor = false) and (strs[3][66] = 'Y')) then writeerror(strs[3], 'Minor is set incorrectly.'); if numeric(copy(strs[2], 47, 9)) = false then writeerror(strs[2], 'balance-credt is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[2], 56, 8)) = false then writeerror(strs[2], 'total-sold is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[2], 68, 3)) = false then writeerror(strs[2], 'total-sales is not numeric.'); if numeric(copy(strs[3], 64, 2)) = false then writeerror(strs[3], 'compu-mem is not numeric.'); end; procedure checkprefix(strs: strtype); begin if strs[1][13] in ['0'..'1'] then writeerror(strs[1], 'phone-prefix started with a 0 or 1.'); if strs[1][23] in ['0'..'1'] then writeerror(strs[1], 'work-prefix started with a 0 or 1.'); if strs[1][33] in ['0'..'1'] then writeerror(strs[1], 'other-prefix started with a 0 or 1.'); if strs[3][42] in ['0'..'1'] then writeerror(strs[3], 'emp-prefix started with a 0 or 1.'); end; procedure checkacct(strs: strtype); begin if strs[1][8] in ['B','C','G','P','O'] then else writeerror(strs[1], 'acct-classification is invalid.'); end; procedure checkyn(strs: strtype); begin if strs[2][8] in ['Y', 'N'] then else writeerror(strs[2], 'accept-check is invalid.'); if strs[3][8] in ['Y', 'N'] then else writeerror(strs[3], 'accept-credt is invalid.'); if strs[3][51] in ['Y', 'N'] then else writeerror(strs[3], 'compu is invalid.'); if strs[3][62] in ['Y', 'N'] then else writeerror(strs[3], 'compu-cdr is invalid.'); if strs[3][66] in ['Y', 'N'] then else writeerror(strs[3], 'minor is invalid.'); end; procedure checkcompun(strs: strtype); begin if strs[3][51] = 'N' then if (copy(strs[3], 52, 14) <> ' 0 ') then writeerror(strs[3], 'There were fields present when compu was N.'); end; procedure checkempcode(strs: strtype); begin if copy(strs[2], 64, 4) = 'RET ' then if (copy(strs[2], 71, 10) <> ' ') and (copy(strs[3], 10, 20) <> '0 ') and (copy(strs[3], 30, 20) <> '0 0 0 0 ') then writeerror(strs[3], 'empcodes are present when RET is true.'); end; procedure checkcompumon(strs: strtype); begin if strs[3][61] in ['S','V','E','C','H','I'] then else writeerror(strs[3], 'compu-mon is invalid.'); end; procedure checkcompucdt(strs:strtype); begin if strs[3][63] in ['1','2','4','6','8'] then else writeerror(strs[3], 'compu-cdt is invalid.'); end; procedure checksttype(strs: strtype); var a: string; begin a:=copy(strs[3], 14, 4); if (a <> 'BLVD') and (a <> 'LANE') and (a <> 'ST ') and (a <> 'AVE ') and (a <> 'CT ') and (a <> 'LOOP') and (a <> 'DR ') and (a <> 'CIRC') and (a <> 'RR ') then writeerror(strs[3], 'emp-sttype is invalid.'); a:=copy(strs[2], 10, 4); if (a <> 'BLVD') and (a <> 'LANE') and (a <> 'ST ') and (a <> 'AVE ') and (a <> 'CT ') and (a <> 'LOOP') and (a <> 'DR ') and (a <> 'CIRC') and (a <> 'RR ') then writeerror(strs[2], 'cnct1-stype is invalid.'); end; procedure writeheader; begin writeln(errfile, 'Error Report -- INDATA.TXT':50); writeln(errfile, '--------------------------':50); writeln(errfile); writeln(errfile, 'First 20 characters','':10, 'Problem'); writeln(errfile, '-------------------','':10, '-------'); end; begin ovrinit('PART10.OVR'); if ovrresult <> 0 then begin case ovrresult of -1: writeln('Overlay manager error.'); -2: writeln('Overlay file not found.'); -3: writeln('Not enough memory for overlay buffer.'); -4: writeln('Overlay I/O error.'); end; halt(1); end; ovrinitems; case ovrresult of 0: writeln('Overlay loaded to EMS memory!'); -5: writeln('No EMS driver found! Loading to conventional memory!'); -6: writeln('Not enough EMS memory to load! Loading to conventional', ' memory!'); end; assign(infile, 'INDATA.TXT'); reset(infile); assign(errfile, 'ERRORS.LOG'); rewrite(errfile); assign(outfile, 'COMPHVN.DAT'); rewrite(outfile, 1); writeheader; while not eof(infile) do begin errwritten := false; for i := 1 to 3 do readln(infile, strs[i]); if checkstatus(strs) then begin checkdatacodes(strs); checknumeric(strs); checkprefix(strs); checkacct(strs); checkyn(strs); checkempcode(strs); checkcompun(strs); checkcompumon(strs); checkcompucdt(strs); checksttype(strs); end; if errwritten = false then writerecord(outfile, strs); end; close(infile); close(errfile); close(outfile); end. Basically, the plan for this tutorial is to go through all standard data types and show how TP stores them in memory, so we will be able to interpret a binary data file we may create. Then, using the information we presented on how things are stored, we will get a spec sheet on a common format, and interpret the data, so we may be able to obtain data from that file through a Pascal program. Byte ==== The basic idea of a byte has been covered in part 7 of the tutorial. Please refer back to there for a refresher on the concept of what a byte is. Basically, a byte can be used to substitute or represent a char type, or a number type....The number types, stored as a byte, have a limit of 0..255 as an unsigned number (byte), and -128..127 with a signed number (shortint). The terms in the parentheses are what we would define the byte to be to get the specified range. I will explain later in this tutorial the difference between a "signed" and "unsigned" number, actually signed and unsigned data space for numbers. The number for an unsigned number is formed, much like we were doing the binary computations in part 7. Numbers as Integers =================== There are several types of numbers we can define... Byte, and ShortInt: as described above in the byte description... Integer types are either as signed (range: -32768..32767) or unsigned (0..65535) words. A word is a unit of 2 bytes in TP. Basically, in a unsigned integer, the number is calculated from right to left in binary much like a byte. Since it is easier, for us to show binary storage repsentation as hexadecimal units of bytes, we will use hexadecimal values for an example. An integer type is written to disk, to test something. The sequence of two bytes is: 3F 4D . What is the number in base 10 form? If we remember from our hex notation, and the way things work: 3 * 16^3 + 15 * 16^2 + 4 * 16^1 + 13 * 16^0 = 16205 An integer is ALWAYS two bytes, whether or not the number may technically fill two bytes in this manner described before. For example, 13 in base 10 is stored in memory and on disk by TP in integer form as 00 0D . We could equally store this number as a byte if we knew that this variable location would never be requested to hold a number that is greater than 255. For example, if we knew we were going to hold days of the month in memory, we would never have a number greater than 31, so a byte type for this number would be appropriate. A longint type is always a signed number, but we do need to know, that it is what is called a double word, or two words put together. Therefore, we know that a longint type is 4 bytes, and has a maximum limit of 2bil. A longint is ALWAYS 4 bytes, whether or not the number may fill 4 bytes. 13 in base 10 would be stored in a longint as 00 00 00 0D . Char ==== A character is stored in memory as a byte, with the byte value representing the corresponding character as it refers to the ASCII chart. byte representation 67 as a char is C. Signed vs. Unsigned Integer Numbers =================================== We have talked before in this part about signed and unsigned numbers. In part 7, essentially, we have covered unsigned numbers, when we were describing binary logic. Let's describe what a signed number is. A signed number is represented by either using a base system of 0..1, or 1..0 in binary. In a signed number, the leftmost bit is either 0 for a positive number, and 1 for a negative number. For positive numbers, the remaining bits are considered using a 0..1 scheme as we did in part 7 with the binary computations. For a negative number, we count starting from 1 and go down to 0. Let's observe what that difference is, by demonstrating how 3 and -3 would be shown in a shortint (signed) type in binary. Let's start with 3 in binary as a signed number. That is a positive number so the leftmost bit will be 0. Then we will use a 0..1 counting system to finish out the number using standard binary notation. So, 3 will be represented in a shortint value as: 0000 0010 just like it was an unsigned number. Now, lets observe what -3 would look like. That is a negative number, so the leftmost bit would be a 1. Since we use a 1..0 system, we would start with 1's in everything. We know 3 is 10 in binary, so we use a reverse system and come up with: 1111 1101 To illustrate further, in binary counting (to a computer) -1..-5 would be (represented in hex) as $FF,$FE,$FD,$FC,$FB; as opposed to $01,$02,$03, $04,$05 for 1..5 . In a signed system, negative number counting starts at -1, which explains why the equal range of a shortint is -128..127, and there are equally 128 items (positive and negative). As practice, look at the integers.dat now, in a hex viewer, and see exactly how the numbers are stored. They are two bytes in length, and should count from one to ten, as we did in the program. It should look like this in your hex viewer.... 00 01 00 02 00 03 00 04 00 05 00 06 00 07 00 08 00 09 00 0A I recommend very heavily that you get a hex viewer to be able to help out. Boolean ======= 0 = False; 1 = True Common Pascal Strings ===================== Now we will start to discuss the format of grouped data. The first format we will discuss will be the common pascal string. The format of a pascal string formatted group of characters is the following. When we define a string without a subscript, we are defining a maximum of 255 characters. When we define for example, a string[20], we are defining a max of 20 characters. In reality, we are defining the number of char- acters + 1. A string has a first byte (0th byte) that represents the actual character length of the data stored in the string, as an unsigned byte. (Actually, the length function reads this byte when you call it, but it's also possible to read and refer to the byte, and even SET it.) Refer back to part 8 where I said you could individually set each part of the string. It's possible to actually build a string by setting the length byte, then setting the rest of the string as characters. Say, to set the dynamic length of a string to 4, we can do this, as in this example, which will only write "Hello" instead of "Hello world!". We are setting the 0'th part of the string as a character, which we need to do: program test; var p: string; begin p := 'Hello world!'; p[0] := #5; writeln(p); end. Blocked Character Strings ========================= It's also possible to work with an array of characters as a string, by referring to the whole array. The maximum length must be set by the length of the array, essentially. str: array[1..20] of char; if we read this structure in as a whole, it will have 20 characters in it, in which we can write back out to the screen by saying WRITE(STR);, or actually convert to a string by counting through to find the actual length and then setting the length byte. Null Terminated Strings ======================= This is a length of characters, which are terminated by a null character, or #0. The strings unit is documented to work with these strings, but it's easier to get away with simply converting it into something we can work with through Pascal itself, if we have to do much with it. Arrays ====== The general structure of an array was described in part 6. It is basically usable as a grouping of items. Records ======= A record is stored in memory basically as a grouping of data types. The record type below: datarecord = record int: integer; character: char; end; would be stored in memory like this: INT CHARACTER Now, we have described all of the pertinent items we need to know to be able to work through a spec sheet on a common format. Basically, data for spec sheets are sometimes presented as the record format, in either Pascal or C format. We don't need to really do any work for that, but most of the time, it will be presented in a byte by byte offset format. Let us look at this structure file for an example. It is of the standard sound file called a MOD file. (you can find them anywhere, almost) We will cover just the header of the file for now... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protracker 1.1B Song/Module Format: Offset Bytes Description 0 20 Songname. Remember to put trailing null bytes at the end... Information for sample 1-31: Offset Bytes Description 20 22 Samplename for sample 1. Pad with null bytes. 42 2 Samplelength for sample 1. Stored as number of words. Multiply by two to get real sample length in bytes. 44 1 Lower four bits are the finetune value, stored as a signed four bit number. The upper four bits are not used, and should be set to zero. Value: Finetune: 0 0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 -8 9 -7 A -6 B -5 C -4 D -3 E -2 F -1 45 1 Volume for sample 1. Range is $00-$40, or 0-64 decimal. 46 2 Repeat point for sample 1. Stored as number of words offset from start of sample. Multiply by two to get offset in bytes. 48 2 Repeat Length for sample 1. Stored as number of words in loop. Multiply by two to get replen in bytes. Information for the next 30 samples starts here. It's just like the info for sample 1. Offset Bytes Description 50 30 Sample 2... 80 30 Sample 3... . . . 890 30 Sample 30... 920 30 Sample 31... Offset Bytes Description 950 1 Songlength. Range is 1-128. 951 1 Well... this little byte here is set to 127, so that old trackers will search through all patterns when loading. Noisetracker uses this byte for restart, but we don't. 952 128 Song positions 0-127. Each hold a number from 0-63 that tells the tracker what pattern to play at that position. 1080 4 The four letters "M.K." - This is something Mahoney & Kaktus inserted when they increased the number of samples from 15 to 31. If it's not there, the module/song uses 15 samples or the text has been removed to make the module harder to rip. Startrekker puts "FLT4" or "FLT8" there instead. Source: Lars "ZAP" Hamre/Amiga Freelancers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building the basic record format ================================ We will need to essentially, for any standard file, built record format(s) for the file. Let us start with this one. It says above that the first 20 bytes would be a song title. The description best seems to define it as a null-terminated string, but we know the maximum limit. So, lets just call it a blocked character string of length 20. So we will use this description for part of our component record: songname: array[1..20] of char; If we read on through the file, it states data for samples 1-31. They are varied data, so that infers that we need to build another record format. But for the position so far in our current record format, we will use this, since we know that there are a group of 31 samples...we will call our alternate record for the sample data, samplerec. sampledata: array[1..31] of samplerec; Alternate Sample Record ======================= 22 bytes are defined for a samplename. Same logic for songname. So this unit of our sample record will be samplename: array[1..22] of char; The next part is a sample length defined by 2 bytes. So, we could either call this a word, or an integer: samplelength: integer; One byte for a finetune value. Logical definition: finetune: byte; Volume is defined as one byte. So... volume: byte; Repeat point and Repeat length are both defined as words above so... repeatpoint: integer; repeatlength: integer; It is indicated above that we are done with the samples. Therefore, our final record format for the samples would be: samplerec = record samplename: array[1..22] of char; samplelength: integer; finetune: byte; volume: byte; repeatpoint: integer; repeatlength: integer; end; Finishing the Record Format =========================== Continuing on... songlength is a byte. So songlength: byte; A byte is defined next that seems like a filler byte. So... filler: byte; The next set of 128 bytes are defined as "song positions 0-127". Each byte is also defined to hold a number, so lets keep to that: positions: array[0..127] of byte; The next 4 bytes to finish out our headers is the moduleid. it's 4 bytes, text, so... id: array[1..4] of char; Having gone through the header format for this file, we have come up with a record we can use to read all the header data, that we would need to read for a mod file. Therefore, we can use a final type listing in our program to read a mod file header of: samplerec = record samplename: array[1..22] of char; samplelength: integer; finetune: byte; volume: byte; repeatpoint: integer; repeatlength: integer; end; modrecord = record songname: array[1..20] of char; sampledata: array[1..31] of samplerec; songlength: byte; filler: byte; positions: array[0..127] of byte; id: array[1..4] of char; end; We can use this format to gain any information we know about a file. To test this format, we need to write a program that pulls the information out of a standard file, that we know, and check to see if they're identical. For MODs, we would need to get a player, and load up the player, in order to get data we are familiar with from the spec sheet, such as the id being "M.K.". All the data we need to know to extract data out, and get formatted data from standards files, have been presented. Practice Programming Problem #11 ================================ In keeping with the topic of this tutorial, I am asking you to write a program entirely in Pascal that will take a ZIP file name from the command- line and then print a list of all the files within that zip file. With each filename, list the compressed size, uncompressed size, date, time, and compression method, one per file. At the end, list the total number of files, total compressed and uncompressed size, effective compression ratio, and write the comment. Then output this list to a file taken on the command-line. For example, a command-line will always be: ZIPLIST FILENAME.ZIP OUTPUT.TXT Be sure to design this program with any error checks you may need to perform. Don't forget to devise a check to be sure you are dealing with a ZIP file on the first parameter. Here, we have gone to look at some references, and have found the following out of a specs list: --------A-ZIP------------------------------- The ZIP archives are created by the PkZIP/PkUnZIP combo produced by the PkWare company. The PkZIP programs have with LHArc and ARJ the best compression. The directory information is stored at the end of the archive, each local file in the archive begins with the following header; This header can be used to identify a ZIP file as such : OFFSET Count TYPE Description 0000h 4 char ID='PK',03,04 0004h 1 word Version needed to extract archive 0006h 1 word General purpose bit field (bit mapped) 0 - file is encrypted 1 - 8K/4K sliding dictionary used 2 - 3/2 Shannon-Fano trees were used 3-4 - unused 5-15 - used internally by ZIP Note: Bits 1 and 2 are undefined if the compression method is other than type 6 (Imploding). 0008h 1 word Compression method (see table 0010) 000Ah 1 dword Original DOS file date/time (see table 0009) 000Eh 1 dword 32-bit CRC of file (inverse??) 0012h 1 dword Compressed file size 0016h 1 dword Uncompressed file size 001Ah 1 word Length of filename ="LEN" 001Ch 1 word Length of extra field ="XLN" 001Eh "LEN" char path/filename 001Eh "XLN" char extra field +"LEN" After all the files, there comes the central directory structure. (Table 0009) Format of the MS-DOS time stamp (32-bit) The MS-DOS time stamp is limited to an even count of seconds, since the count for seconds is only 5 bits wide. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 |<---- year-1980 --->|<- month ->|<--- day ---->| 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 |<--- hour --->|<---- minute --->|<- second/2 ->| (Table 0010) PkZip compression types 0 - Stored / No compression 1 - Shrunk / LZW, 8K buffer, 9-13 bits with partial clearing 2 - Reduced-1 / Probalistic compression, lower 7 bits 3 - Reduced-2 / Probalistic compression, lower 6 bits 4 - Reduced-3 / Probalistic compression, lower 5 bits 5 - Reduced-4 / Probalistic compression, lower 4 bits 6 - Imploded / 2/3 Shanno-Fano trees, 4K/8K sliding dictionary [7..9 also exist] => note added by Glenn Grotzinger from Phil Katz's description --- Central directory structure The CDS is at the end of the archive and contains additional information about the files stored within the archive. OFFSET Count TYPE Description 0000h 4 char ID='PK',01,02 0004h 1 byte Version made by 0005h 1 byte Host OS (see table 0011) 0006h 1 byte Minimum version needed to extract 0007h 1 byte Target OS see above "Host OS" 0008h 1 word General purpose bit flag see above "General purpose bit flag" 000Ah 1 word Compression method see above "Compression method" 000Ch 1 dword DOS date / time of file (see table 0009) 0010h 1 dword 32-bit CRC of file 0014h 1 dword Compressed size of file 0018h 1 dword Uncompressed size of file 001Ch 1 word Length of filename ="LEN" 001Eh 1 word Length of extra field ="XLN" 0020h 1 word Length of file comment ="CMT" 0022h 1 word Disk number ?? 0024h 1 word Internal file attributes (bit mapped) 0 - file is apparently an ASCII/binary file 1-15 - unused 0026h 1 dword External file attributes (OS dependent) 002Ah 1 dword Relative offset of local header from the start of the first disk this file appears on 002Eh "LEN" char Filename / path; should not contain a drive or device letter, all slashes should be forward slashes '/'. 002Eh+ "XLN" char Extra field +"LEN" 002Eh "CMT" char File comment +"LEN" +"XLN" (Table 0011) PkZip Host OS table 0 - MS-DOS and OS/2 (FAT) 1 - Amiga 2 - VMS 3 - *nix 4 - VM/CMS 5 - Atari ST 6 - OS/2 1.2 extended file sys 7 - Macintosh 8-255 - unused --- End of central directory structure The End of Central Directory Structure header has following format : OFFSET Count TYPE Description 0000h 4 char ID='PK',05,06 0004h 1 word Number of this disk 0006h 1 word Number of disk with start of central directory 0008h 1 word Total number of file/path entries on this disk 000Ah 1 word Total number of entries in central dir 000Ch 1 dword Size of central directory 0010h 1 dword Offset of start of central directory relative to starting disk number 0014h 1 word Archive comment length ="CML" 0016h "CML" char Zip file comment EXTENSION:ZIP OCCURENCES:PC,Amiga,ST PROGRAMS:PkZIP,WinZIP REFERENCE:Technote.APP Source: FILEFMTS (c) 1994,1995 Max Maischein Sample output for this program ============================== Files contained in FILENAME.ZIP NAME COMP-SIZE DATE TIME UNCOMP-SIZE COMP-METHOD --------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOBAR10.TXT 732 10-01-1993 02:30 1021 7 FOBAR11.ZIP 11021 12-01-1995 22:03 23923 6 ... --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1520032 4023232 15 files; Effective compression ratio: 65.3% < write the comment here, or write "No ZIP comment." if there is no ZIP comment > Notes: 1) Note how I have the sample output. It needs to be EXACTLY as I have listed it. 2) The orders and the methods you need to use to read files should be evident from the specs file. They will be random reads... 3) With the random reads, it is about impossible to tell what you got read unless you check first...Notice a good way to check out of the first field of each record... 4) The "MS-DOS Time Format" can be done really easily. Just think DOS unit. 5) Do not read anything unless you HAVE to.... 6) Since this is a program that happens to use another program's data, more than likely, the data are correct, so there is no need to check any of the data beyond determining whether it's an actual ZIP file. With this data listed, you should be able to do anything related to listing, stripping comments, showing comments, and so on and so forth. Next Time ========= We will cover the use of stacks and queues. Send any comments, encouragements, problems, etc, etc. to ggrotz@2sprint.net. Haven't seen anything of that type, ya know....